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Get all the info at u9-19 boys and girls teams affiliated with FYSA, US Club or any other USSF affiliates State Cup and Regional...
Register online now! $25 Early Bird discount for all June registrations. Use code: Early25
Congrats to our U14boys for winning the league title!
Congrats to Coach Jordan and the squad! #TeamCBS
CBS soccer summer camp with coach Jordan June 24-28 5-7pm CBS soccer summer camps with coach James June 3-7, 9-11 & 5:30-7:30 Jun...
🏆C H A M P S🏆Congrats to Coach Zach and our U2 boys for being GCF Champions!
Register to attend:
2024-25 UNIFORMS We are so hyped to reveal our new Comp uniforms! All 2024-25 players will move to this set. These will also carry...
Congrats to Coach Zach and our 2012 CBS Boys team for their runner-up finish!
Mitchell Ellington Park
Kelly Park West
Central Brevard Soccer Central Brevard Soccer, P.O. Box 540241Merritt Island, Florida 32953
Email: [email protected]